Dec 20, 2011

Tis the Season...

Happy Holidays!
I have officially celebrated one Christmas this past weekend; we went and visited my parents and my mom's side of the family in Winona. It was great to see everyone, especially because we missed out on the Andraschko (my mom's side) Christmas last year!
We are heading to Devil's Lake, ND to visit my boyfriend's family Friday-Sunday, and then heading back to Minneapolis to celebrate with his mom's side of the family.
Luckily we both have Monday off, so we will be able to relax and recoup before heading back to the office...AND it's another 4-day week, which really isn't too bad.

I also went to my very first Vikings game at the beginning of this month and had a blast (see photo below)!

Dec 2, 2011

Party Season!

It seems that as we reach each season, I tell myself that I just need to make it to the next one so the days will slow down a bit...the days don't slow down. At least I'm constantly filled with fun weekends, family & friends.

We are lucky to have a group of friends in town from Colorado and there are tons of festivities going on because of their visit. We also have had some house-guests for the majority of the past week, which has been a lot of fun. Luckily they are pretty low key on the weekdays so I didn't feel too bad going to bed around my normal 10pm time. Tonight we kick off the weekend!
We are celebrating 2 birthdays-both celebrating 30 years! Our evening will kick off at Psycho Suzie's in NE Minneapolis...which is right in our backyard :) and then we will bop around the NE neighborhood for quite some time. Tomorrow I am looking forward to my work holiday party, which I planned/organized/etc...from start to finish, and then Sunday will be my first Vikings game! Coincidentally it is against the Broncos!

Other news: I just was asked to be a bridesmaid in my friend Jenni's wedding in September! I'm very much looking forward to a trip out to DC. It has been a couple of years and I always have a great time visiting.

I've also been working on holiday cards, wedding invitations for 2012 Summer, and a few random projects which has kept me busy but keeps me motivated.

Because I'm currently hungry, here's my first-ever Apple pie (for Thanksgiving)!

Nov 18, 2011

Wedding Season 2012...

My design partner and I are already gearing up for the 2012 Summer/Fall Wedding season.
I wanted to showcase my first Save the Date for this season!
I should have some holiday cards to show off soon!

Nov 7, 2011

feast feast feast

Have you ever had the opportunity to eat Beef Wellington? If not, you should and if you have, then you know just how awesome it is! For the past several years I have tried my hand at making Beef Wellington at home and it is usually for very rare occasions or for a special reason. Well, we had my boyfriend's parents and grandma over for dinner on Saturday night and my boyfriend (Ian) had mentioned the idea of beef wellington a couple weeks ago when we were first finalizing plans to have his relatives over. I kind of felt like I was roped in to making the dish and am so glad that I did!

This past Saturday morning started like any other until about 11am when I needed to kick it in gear and start cooking! First, Apple Crisp. Next, the mushroom paste/duxelle, followed by the green peppercorn sauce and then wrapping the mushrooms and prosciutto around the beef and letting it sit in the fridge until it was time to cook. This was the first time I followed the recipe to a T and it turned out perfectly! I wrapped the beef, prosciutto and mushrooms in puff pastry and baked it for about 45 minutes. The end result was a med-rare filet mignon that was so tender you probably wouldn't need a knife to cut it.
All in all a successful dinner that also included roasted rosemary potatoes, steamed asparagus, salad and delicious butt-buns(see photo below). The buns are just Rhodes brand frozen bread rolls. Delicious!

Another weekend adventure was the newest big-kid purchase from Home Depot...a Leaf Blower/Mulcher. Sunday afternoon was full of leaf blowing, mulching and bagging! I really like how quickly you can see a difference from a full leaf-filled yard to a almost clear of leaves yard.

Oct 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I keep forgetting that it's Halloween today, and I'm bummed that I won't be home tonight to pass out candy for all the kiddos in the neighborhood (I think we only had about 10 kids last year).

This past weekend was very much wedding-filled! My friend's wedding has been in the works since January 2011 and it finally happened; she's married! I have a few photos that I snagged from the photographers facebook page...I cannot wait until I get to see all the photos! Sarah Schultz Photography was who took the photos, and this was not the first wedding I've been in that used this photographer. Her and her husband do an amazing job!
As the Maid of Honor this past weekend, I was a bit nervous about my speech portion of the evening...and I think it went quite well! Thankfully I had done a few mock-speeches in my head and out loud (to myself) while driving, and that seemed to at least help the thought process and organization of what I ended up saying the night of the reception. I also did all the printed materials for the wedding: Invitations, Place cards, Table #'s, Seating chart, Ceremony Programs, etc...hopefully I'll have a photo to showcase all of my hard work.
 (A couple of the bridesmaids: Me-Rachel, Brianna, and Abby)

Oct 20, 2011

Fall sweater weather :)

A couple of weeks ago, while it was still 80 degrees outside, I decided that I should hop on the soon-to-be fall weather bandwagon and purchase my first 2011 fall sweater. I am not usually a sweater type of person because they make me feel bulky (I already have broad shoulders), and instead of them being soft like everyone says they are, I feel itchy and overly warm. Anyway, I bought a sweater from Target and I am in Love! I am contemplating going back and buying it in a few different colors because that's just how much I like it. The current version I have is in the heather gray color which goes well with almost anything. It's comfy & casual but could easily be dressed up...did I mention how soft to the touch it is? Of my 5 senses, touch is probably one of my favorites. (Side note: When I go to any of those large shoe stores (think DSW or Famous Footwear), I will walk down an aisle of shoes and press my pointer finger into the soles of each shoe just to see how cushy it is.)
Lately all I've wanted to do is shop, shop, shop! I want to completely update my wardrobe. Fortunately, I have a sense of reality and I just avoid going into any tempting stores.

Hopefully when Christmas shopping starts, I'll get the "shopping bug" out of my system...until then, I'm just stuck fantasizing about new clothing.

Oct 10, 2011


We had the fortune of meeting and adopting a new puppy this weekend; her name is Roxi and she's a spunky Pitbull/Terrier Mix.  She's adorable and completely compliments our other pup, Bella.
Roxi was originally adopted by a friend who decided that with two children and a full time job, it was just too much work to take care of a pooch too! He brought her over Saturday while I was gone to meet my boyfriend and our dog Bella, and if all went well she'd come back on Sunday to meet me. Things went well on Saturday and she came back Sunday...we are technically doing a 1-week trial, but I'm confident that she will be staying with us permanently.

Aside from a new puppy, I also had a bridal shower and a birthday party to attend this weekend. It was a busy weekend, but lots of fun.

Oct 5, 2011


I just wanted to put a quick note up about the kickball team I am on...we had a losing game last night, but I still had a lot of fun.

Oct 4, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding...

It's officially 25 days until my friend Laura gets married!
Her bridal shower is this coming weekend and I'm ready to just be in full-gear for the wedding weekend at the end of October. I'm the maid of honor, which means I really need to start thinking of a speech. Yikes.
Here's her wedding stationary

On a fall-related note: It's been such perfect weather!
This fall has been amazing; actually the tree leaves haven't even started turning too many colors yet. It has been high 70s for the past several days with only perfect weather in the forecast for the next several more. This is by far my favorite season...when we get Indian Summer type of weather.
I'd really like to have a nice fire outside one of these days; we have a bunch of sticks/bushes that we need to get rid of from our lilac bush. We recently trimmed about 5 feet of our lilac bushes. They had completely overgrown themselves and we can now see into our neighbors front yard. It's kind of weird getting so much more sunlight into our living room, but a nice change!

Sep 21, 2011

here's to cozy fall weather

Well, it's been kind of a gloomy week; rain, clouds, cooler fall get the picture. I really do enjoy hooded sweatshirt weather, but it makes it so difficult to get out of bed in the mornings to get ready for work. I would imagine most of you can relate to that feeling. Luckily coffee brews quickly and the waking up process doesn't feel so awful anymore.

On a slightly gloomy note, my birthday dinner which was moved to The Butcher Block in NE Minneapolis instead of the Red Stag, was sub par. Bummer. I will say that the food was good! We ordered the rigatoni alla norcina and the chicken parmesana to split. Both items were really tasty, but I preferred the rigatoni; the sausage was tender with great flavor and the truffle cream sauce was deliciously silky. The chicken was juicy and lightly breaded which made me feel like I wasn't inhaling a deep-fried piece of chicken. It was served on mashed potatoes which were also good, but nothing to write home about. If I was forced to go back, I'd get the rigatoni again. The food was good, but that was it. The service was awful; sorry Katie (our server) but your lack of service was the only thing we really remembered about our dining experience. She greeted us 10 mins after we had been seated, brought our bottle of wine with two different wine glasses and then told us that she "forgot her wine key and would be right back." She set the bottle and our mismatched glassware on the table and then stopped by two other tables to take orders and delivered food to a third table before returning to open our bottle of wine. She spilled wine on my napkin...woops (it can happen) and did not check on us the entire time we were eating. We waited another 10 minutes for her to take our empty plates away from the table...and that was just the service.
Have you ever been to a restaurant that you felt shouldn't really be in the space it's at (like the tables are all too close together and there really isn't a good flow?). That was how I felt about The Butcher Block. Our table was near a corner along the wall that has the open kitchen. It was also right next to the door to the bathroom, which was not marked and customers were confused about where it was located. The entrance to the place was also a bit confusing, it was like walking into a mall entrance and thinking you're in the wrong place or that a book store should be at the end of the hall not a restaurant.
I say Give it a shot for yourself and let me know what you think! I wish I would have tried the Red Stag time.

I hope I don't sound too harsh for the above review, however I was a server for over four years at a decently nice restaurant that had legitimately good food (that I still go back for) and I know the lack of service would have been noted from management and I would have been in trouble for that performance. So all in all, I may be a tougher critic, but I think I also am more lenient in the same respect.

On another good note: Our kickball team won it's forth game in a row last night; unfortunately, I was not there to help kick butt! I was at home meeting with one of our contractors to discuss his quote/bid for a kitchen remodel! Super exciting, but we'll see how our 2nd contractor meeting goes on Friday for another quote/bid.

Sep 15, 2011

happy 29th! (a few days ago)

YIKES! It's official, I have one year left in my 20s, and then it's time to start a new decade, which is kind of exciting. This year I didn't make a big deal out of my birthday, maybe because I'm finally growing up (just kidding) or because I didn't want to fuss over it and plan a whole ordeal and organize it. I'm leaning towards the 2nd option. There have been several occasions I have planned in the recent past and I think I've almost reached my planning quotient for 2011.

So, what does a 29yr old do for their birthday? Well, this one celebrated with a tasty Dairy Queen cake! YUM. I made fish tacos for the boyfriend and I (he was going to make dinner and I revamped it a little bit), and we settled in with the movie Hanna (it's about a child-assassin). We are officially celebrating on Friday with a night out! I'm kind of lame on school/work nights; I like to go to bed around 10pm. I think we are going to check out the Red Stag in NE Minneapolis.  We've heard mixed reviews but have wanted to give it a shot for ourselves. Review to be posted.

I think I will kick off my 30s (next year) with a bucket list that I need to prepare this year. It would be fun to start a new job or have my own business, travel a little more, get my butt kicked into shape, go back to school (MBA or maybe just some web design classes) many things!

On another good note, we recently had a couple of contractors come to our house to look at our kitchen and measure it out for a remodel quote! I'm so excited! Anyway, we are meeting up with those contractors at the beginning of next week to go over their numbers and findings. I have been looking at cabinets and counter tops for the last 2 weeks finding the exact items I want in the update. Keep your fingers crossed that the price is right!

And, the MN Muscle kickball team is still undefeated!

Sep 8, 2011


You know what that means...I am 3/4th of the way through my week of vacation.  It has been a nice, relaxing and somewhat productive week.  I didn't set any expectations for myself and in doing so was able to accomplish a few things on my list without feeling like I didn't get specific items taken care of.  What did I do?  I finally got around to painting a floor-length mirror (we bought our house a little over a year ago and this nice mirror was left with it, but needed to be repainted), and my bookshelf.  The bookshelf was a couple weeks in the making; I primed it a couple weeks ago and it has been sitting in the garage waiting for me to come back!  I can cross two things off my list.  I have a few other items I'd like to get sorted out, specifically our laundry problem...we have no problem washing, it's the folding and putting away that seems to be the issue. 

Have I mentioned our dog, Bella yet?  She's so sweet!  She's a mostly white with a few black patches, lab-pitbull mix, which basically means she has lots of energy but is 100% lover.  She currently has allergies and her muzzle is red and irritated, her eyes are goopy and her toes have been itchy.

Sep 2, 2011


I officially start my week-long vacation in t-minus 2.5 hours!  I'm more than REALLY excited!  I have been tempted to use more than one exclamation point on all of the above sentences, but refrained because I didn't want to seem too ridiculous.

It has been quite a fast week; we won our first kickball game on Tuesday night and the days have flown by since then.  We also had a contractor come over Tuesday evening to check out our kitchen and get specs to give us a quote!  I'm really excited about that too.  I would LOVE an updated kitchen.  It would be absolutely wonderful.  I actually have dreams about it ;)

What am I going to do next week while I'm not at work?  That's a really great question; one that is easily answered by...Whatever I want!  There are a few random projects that I have half started and should really finish.  I may venture to Winona to see a good friend of mine while she is in town for the Holiday weekend-she also has next week off.  I also have bridal shower invitations that need to get in the mail; and I just got those back from the printers this afternoon.
Here's a sneak peek:

My weekend kicks off in full-swing with a wedding at 5:30...Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Aug 29, 2011

bachelorette party weekend

My best friend is getting married in October! We celebrated her bachelorette party and last several months of freedom this past Saturday evening. It started out with a Hawaiian-themed BBQ at my place followed by a hotel room, and then a night out in downtown Minneapolis. There was a great group of ladies and the night was a lot of fun!
Here's a few photos of the BBQ:

After we finished the BBQ we headed downtown Minneapolis to The Hotel Minneapolis to get ready and have a few more drinks.  The hotel was really nicely decorated and I wish I would have taken a few photos of just the hotel and the room.
And for the night out downtown:
Thanks to all the help I received on the food, we had tons of leftovers and I thoroughly enjoyed those all-day Sunday.  My headache was tolerable with tasty snacks throughout the day.
 Top: The group ready to go out!
Middle: The Bride and I
(I'm the MOH)

Bottom: The bride enjoying a classy stripper pole!



On a back-to-reality note, our kickball team has its first Fall League game tomorrow!  We play every Tuesday night...Let's hear it for the Minnesota Muscle!  Rawr!

Aug 25, 2011

I make Lists

I have been planning my best friend's bachelorette party for the past month and it is finally arriving!  We are starting with a BBQ at my place and then moving downtown to dance the night away.  I can be a little bit of a stress ball, so the past month has been lots of list making.  It is one of my ways to stay organized.  Tonight, I'll be taking my list to the grocery store to pick up the last of the party items needed for Saturday.  I'm really excited to have it all taken care of and be done shopping.  HOWEVER, I did find a cute pair of black heels last night while I was out shopping with the Bachelorette for her party dress.  You can find these at DSW.

You may notice the time I am posting can say I'm taking a well-deserved "break" from work.  During my break, I am also working on finishing my 3rd bottle of water for the day!  You can add that to the list of things I have started this week; trying to drink at least 3 bottles of water during the work day.  I have always enjoyed drinking water, but I know that I don't drink nearly enough.  I really believe that water is the cure-all ingredient.  It takes care of headaches, keeps your skin hydrated and looking great, and I guarantee it takes care of quite a few other ailments.

Items to watch for: Party photos & Garage Decorating from this coming weekend

Aug 24, 2011

a first for me

I'm 100% new to the blogging world! 
A little about me:
I'm a Minnesota born girl; I love water (drinking and swimming), hooded sweatshirt weather and campfires. My favorite season is by far Spring-Summer-Fall.  I know, I was supposed to narrow it down to one, but honestly I love the seasons!  I even like Winter but in very small doses.  I need snow on Christmas Eve.  It doesn't feel like Christmas and the holiday season without snow.  I do not need below zero temperatures or snow into April.
I live in Minneapolis, but would probably LOVE Colorado.  Being outdoors makes me happy.  I have been known to smile up at the sky.
I love the contrast in colors and the vibrancy they create; it's inspiring.
I'm a graphic designer by choice :) and luckily it pays the bills.  My goal is to have my own business where I can either sit in my pajamas at home on the cold winter days and work, or take my computer to the park and enjoy a coffee while people watching.

Okay, enough about me (for now) and on to the point of my ramblings; to catalog my thoughts & feelings, to show off cool projects I accomplished, to brag about a job well done, to intrigue you with my talented cooking skills (or knowing how to read a recipe) and to just keep track of what's going on around me.