Aug 29, 2011

bachelorette party weekend

My best friend is getting married in October! We celebrated her bachelorette party and last several months of freedom this past Saturday evening. It started out with a Hawaiian-themed BBQ at my place followed by a hotel room, and then a night out in downtown Minneapolis. There was a great group of ladies and the night was a lot of fun!
Here's a few photos of the BBQ:

After we finished the BBQ we headed downtown Minneapolis to The Hotel Minneapolis to get ready and have a few more drinks.  The hotel was really nicely decorated and I wish I would have taken a few photos of just the hotel and the room.
And for the night out downtown:
Thanks to all the help I received on the food, we had tons of leftovers and I thoroughly enjoyed those all-day Sunday.  My headache was tolerable with tasty snacks throughout the day.
 Top: The group ready to go out!
Middle: The Bride and I
(I'm the MOH)

Bottom: The bride enjoying a classy stripper pole!



On a back-to-reality note, our kickball team has its first Fall League game tomorrow!  We play every Tuesday night...Let's hear it for the Minnesota Muscle!  Rawr!

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