Aug 24, 2011

a first for me

I'm 100% new to the blogging world! 
A little about me:
I'm a Minnesota born girl; I love water (drinking and swimming), hooded sweatshirt weather and campfires. My favorite season is by far Spring-Summer-Fall.  I know, I was supposed to narrow it down to one, but honestly I love the seasons!  I even like Winter but in very small doses.  I need snow on Christmas Eve.  It doesn't feel like Christmas and the holiday season without snow.  I do not need below zero temperatures or snow into April.
I live in Minneapolis, but would probably LOVE Colorado.  Being outdoors makes me happy.  I have been known to smile up at the sky.
I love the contrast in colors and the vibrancy they create; it's inspiring.
I'm a graphic designer by choice :) and luckily it pays the bills.  My goal is to have my own business where I can either sit in my pajamas at home on the cold winter days and work, or take my computer to the park and enjoy a coffee while people watching.

Okay, enough about me (for now) and on to the point of my ramblings; to catalog my thoughts & feelings, to show off cool projects I accomplished, to brag about a job well done, to intrigue you with my talented cooking skills (or knowing how to read a recipe) and to just keep track of what's going on around me.

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