Sep 2, 2011


I officially start my week-long vacation in t-minus 2.5 hours!  I'm more than REALLY excited!  I have been tempted to use more than one exclamation point on all of the above sentences, but refrained because I didn't want to seem too ridiculous.

It has been quite a fast week; we won our first kickball game on Tuesday night and the days have flown by since then.  We also had a contractor come over Tuesday evening to check out our kitchen and get specs to give us a quote!  I'm really excited about that too.  I would LOVE an updated kitchen.  It would be absolutely wonderful.  I actually have dreams about it ;)

What am I going to do next week while I'm not at work?  That's a really great question; one that is easily answered by...Whatever I want!  There are a few random projects that I have half started and should really finish.  I may venture to Winona to see a good friend of mine while she is in town for the Holiday weekend-she also has next week off.  I also have bridal shower invitations that need to get in the mail; and I just got those back from the printers this afternoon.
Here's a sneak peek:

My weekend kicks off in full-swing with a wedding at 5:30...Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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