Sep 8, 2011


You know what that means...I am 3/4th of the way through my week of vacation.  It has been a nice, relaxing and somewhat productive week.  I didn't set any expectations for myself and in doing so was able to accomplish a few things on my list without feeling like I didn't get specific items taken care of.  What did I do?  I finally got around to painting a floor-length mirror (we bought our house a little over a year ago and this nice mirror was left with it, but needed to be repainted), and my bookshelf.  The bookshelf was a couple weeks in the making; I primed it a couple weeks ago and it has been sitting in the garage waiting for me to come back!  I can cross two things off my list.  I have a few other items I'd like to get sorted out, specifically our laundry problem...we have no problem washing, it's the folding and putting away that seems to be the issue. 

Have I mentioned our dog, Bella yet?  She's so sweet!  She's a mostly white with a few black patches, lab-pitbull mix, which basically means she has lots of energy but is 100% lover.  She currently has allergies and her muzzle is red and irritated, her eyes are goopy and her toes have been itchy.

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