Sep 15, 2011

happy 29th! (a few days ago)

YIKES! It's official, I have one year left in my 20s, and then it's time to start a new decade, which is kind of exciting. This year I didn't make a big deal out of my birthday, maybe because I'm finally growing up (just kidding) or because I didn't want to fuss over it and plan a whole ordeal and organize it. I'm leaning towards the 2nd option. There have been several occasions I have planned in the recent past and I think I've almost reached my planning quotient for 2011.

So, what does a 29yr old do for their birthday? Well, this one celebrated with a tasty Dairy Queen cake! YUM. I made fish tacos for the boyfriend and I (he was going to make dinner and I revamped it a little bit), and we settled in with the movie Hanna (it's about a child-assassin). We are officially celebrating on Friday with a night out! I'm kind of lame on school/work nights; I like to go to bed around 10pm. I think we are going to check out the Red Stag in NE Minneapolis.  We've heard mixed reviews but have wanted to give it a shot for ourselves. Review to be posted.

I think I will kick off my 30s (next year) with a bucket list that I need to prepare this year. It would be fun to start a new job or have my own business, travel a little more, get my butt kicked into shape, go back to school (MBA or maybe just some web design classes) many things!

On another good note, we recently had a couple of contractors come to our house to look at our kitchen and measure it out for a remodel quote! I'm so excited! Anyway, we are meeting up with those contractors at the beginning of next week to go over their numbers and findings. I have been looking at cabinets and counter tops for the last 2 weeks finding the exact items I want in the update. Keep your fingers crossed that the price is right!

And, the MN Muscle kickball team is still undefeated!

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