Oct 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I keep forgetting that it's Halloween today, and I'm bummed that I won't be home tonight to pass out candy for all the kiddos in the neighborhood (I think we only had about 10 kids last year).

This past weekend was very much wedding-filled! My friend's wedding has been in the works since January 2011 and it finally happened; she's married! I have a few photos that I snagged from the photographers facebook page...I cannot wait until I get to see all the photos! Sarah Schultz Photography was who took the photos, and this was not the first wedding I've been in that used this photographer. Her and her husband do an amazing job!
As the Maid of Honor this past weekend, I was a bit nervous about my speech portion of the evening...and I think it went quite well! Thankfully I had done a few mock-speeches in my head and out loud (to myself) while driving, and that seemed to at least help the thought process and organization of what I ended up saying the night of the reception. I also did all the printed materials for the wedding: Invitations, Place cards, Table #'s, Seating chart, Ceremony Programs, etc...hopefully I'll have a photo to showcase all of my hard work.
 (A couple of the bridesmaids: Me-Rachel, Brianna, and Abby)

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