Oct 10, 2011


We had the fortune of meeting and adopting a new puppy this weekend; her name is Roxi and she's a spunky Pitbull/Terrier Mix.  She's adorable and completely compliments our other pup, Bella.
Roxi was originally adopted by a friend who decided that with two children and a full time job, it was just too much work to take care of a pooch too! He brought her over Saturday while I was gone to meet my boyfriend and our dog Bella, and if all went well she'd come back on Sunday to meet me. Things went well on Saturday and she came back Sunday...we are technically doing a 1-week trial, but I'm confident that she will be staying with us permanently.

Aside from a new puppy, I also had a bridal shower and a birthday party to attend this weekend. It was a busy weekend, but lots of fun.

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