Oct 4, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding...

It's officially 25 days until my friend Laura gets married!
Her bridal shower is this coming weekend and I'm ready to just be in full-gear for the wedding weekend at the end of October. I'm the maid of honor, which means I really need to start thinking of a speech. Yikes.
Here's her wedding stationary

On a fall-related note: It's been such perfect weather!
This fall has been amazing; actually the tree leaves haven't even started turning too many colors yet. It has been high 70s for the past several days with only perfect weather in the forecast for the next several more. This is by far my favorite season...when we get Indian Summer type of weather.
I'd really like to have a nice fire outside one of these days; we have a bunch of sticks/bushes that we need to get rid of from our lilac bush. We recently trimmed about 5 feet of our lilac bushes. They had completely overgrown themselves and we can now see into our neighbors front yard. It's kind of weird getting so much more sunlight into our living room, but a nice change!

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