Dec 2, 2011

Party Season!

It seems that as we reach each season, I tell myself that I just need to make it to the next one so the days will slow down a bit...the days don't slow down. At least I'm constantly filled with fun weekends, family & friends.

We are lucky to have a group of friends in town from Colorado and there are tons of festivities going on because of their visit. We also have had some house-guests for the majority of the past week, which has been a lot of fun. Luckily they are pretty low key on the weekdays so I didn't feel too bad going to bed around my normal 10pm time. Tonight we kick off the weekend!
We are celebrating 2 birthdays-both celebrating 30 years! Our evening will kick off at Psycho Suzie's in NE Minneapolis...which is right in our backyard :) and then we will bop around the NE neighborhood for quite some time. Tomorrow I am looking forward to my work holiday party, which I planned/organized/etc...from start to finish, and then Sunday will be my first Vikings game! Coincidentally it is against the Broncos!

Other news: I just was asked to be a bridesmaid in my friend Jenni's wedding in September! I'm very much looking forward to a trip out to DC. It has been a couple of years and I always have a great time visiting.

I've also been working on holiday cards, wedding invitations for 2012 Summer, and a few random projects which has kept me busy but keeps me motivated.

Because I'm currently hungry, here's my first-ever Apple pie (for Thanksgiving)!

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