Sep 5, 2012

New Beginnings :)

I recently put in my 2-week notice at my current job, and am very excited to be starting on a new path in the next two weeks! My position will be similar; graphic design and project management, but I am looking forward to working at and agency with a lot more creatives. I think it will be a great learning experience for me and it couldn't be at a better time.

Other news: We still have not started wedding planning.  Woops! :)
We did decide to go with the traditional wedding route instead of destination, so that was our very first decision. Hopefully at the beginning of October we will start looking at venues...

I do have more invites to upload and show off to the world. Luckily other brides have not ceased planning their weddings and still need stationary sets!

Jun 15, 2012

Summer Weddings!

I have been finishing up a few different wedding invitation sets over the past 2 months and have recently been working on a brand new set of designs. Aside from wedding invitations, the beginning of the summer is already flying by! We have a few trips planned that are coming up and I cannot wait for the vacation! Our first trip will be to Denver during the 4th of July week/weekend where we will meet up with friends to go camping, rafting, and hiking. I also have a bachelorette party at the end of July to attend; I fly into DC and we head out to a beach on the coast of Delaware for the weekend. That will be a fun in the sun weekend!

Here are the newest beauties!

May 10, 2012

Congratulations to me!

Yes, it's true...I am officially engaged :)
Just under a week ago, my boyfriend popped the question after we had just gotten home from our dinner out to celebrate our 4 year anniversary! He sent me on a scavenger hunt to find my anniversary present only to come up empty handed. I could hear him laughing upstairs while I was rummaging through cabinets in the basement. I yelled upstairs to him "There is nothing in here," and he laughed "Yeah, I know." I was a little bummed, but walked up the stairs to find him on one knee with the ring in his hand. I immediately starting saying "Oh my gosh, This is really happening, Oh my gosh, This is real..." I repeated something along those lines a few times and then started crying. I did say "YES, of course!"

So, what's next? I am not really sure I want to plan a whole wedding yet. Honestly, I was able to wear my ring for one whole day and then had to take it to the jeweler to get resized (it was just a bit too small). Yeah, I shoved that diamond on my finger and wore it! I have been waiting 4 days to get it back! I'm so excited to see it again tonight :) Now that I will have my ring back it will feel more official and I can let the thought of being engaged and planning a wedding sink in.

P.S. He picked out the ring all on his own! and I absolutely LOVE it!

May 3, 2012


Eeeeee! I'm so excited that it's 75-80 degrees outside :)
I love being outside as much as possible, and since I live in Minnesota my outdoor time is more limited. We have a fun weekend ahead; we are celebrating our 4 year anniversary on Friday (tomorrow) with a nice evening out, on Saturday we have a Kentucky Derby party to attend (dress-up style), and then my parents are in town Saturday evening (grilling out), and Sunday will be a nice relax/catch up day. I wish I had a picture to post of my floppy derby hat that I'll be wearing on Saturday, but you will just have to wait until after the occasion once I get around to uploading pictures from the weekend.

Our softball season also started last week; we tied our first game and won our second game. Not a bad start to the season :)

I do have some new designs to upload, but have been a bit lazy on getting them organized into a nice format for your viewing pleasure.
Happy Kentucky Derby & Cinco de Mayo!

Mar 30, 2012


I work for a company where I am one of the few females in the office, and unfortunately the men in the office seem to take advantage of that. I'm not sure if all of them were raised to completely rely on women to do everything for them, but that is how it feels! I mean, honestly, you have two hands and two feet, like myself you should be able to print something and pick it up at the printer all by yourself. You should also be able to set your own out of office auto-reply for your phone and email (especially since I've written directions down several times for you), and figure out how to make an excel spreadsheet. For goodness sakes, you work in an office; the Microsoft Suite should be a staple in your work skills. Also, please learn to type with both hands as I was taught in school. You finger-typers are loud and inefficient (although I have seen some pretty quick one-fingered typers). Another thought: I am not your secretary, please do not treat me like one. If I was your secretary I would gladly offer to make you copies and send emails for you. Unfortunately for you, I have my own emails and copies to make! We all know how to properly answer the phone, so if it is ringing you can feel free to answer it. I know that I do an amazing job at covering the receptionist duties when she is away to the bathroom or out of the office, but again I am not the receptionist-you are welcome to help out.

Alright, I already feel better. Thank goodness.
I should write a book about the lack of etiquette in my office.
How often do you hear coworkers burp and fart outloud? On a daily basis, I'd say I hear at least 4 loud burps a day and about 2 toots (that can be heard from two offices away. I will mention that most of this is a difference in cultures, where I am used to people at least covering their mouths and saying "excuse me", whereas they are used to these outbursts as letting others know that their meals were tasty and enjoyable.

I'll end on a good note...It's Friday, which means I am almost free for the weekend, and it's supposed to be a glorious 70 degrees and sunny! I'm looking forward to yard work (yes, I know it sounds unrealistic), being outside, and hopefully finishing the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series (yes, I hopped on that bandwagon).

This is my dog, Bella; she really knows how to enjoy the little things!

Mar 26, 2012

Bridal Shower

This past weekend a friend of mine celebrated her bridal shower in the Washington, DC area. Unfortunately I was unable to attend, but I did get to contribute a thing or two.
I coordinated her Bridal Shower invitations to match the event itself; her main wedding color is a berry/sangria color which is nice and vibrant. She is also a huge fan of cooking/baking, so our theme was sparked from her interests. Aside from her invitations, there were matching Thank you cards and partying gifts. The gifts were spatulas that had an attached recipe for love.

Take a peak!

Mar 16, 2012

Spring Fever

It feels like spring in Minnesota :)
It's only the middle of March and we have already had days in the 70s! I can definitely get used to that. I love this kind of weather-I could handle maybe low 80s and that would be perfect.
Anyway, so I have been able to get outside for runs/walks/dog play time, etc...

It has been a hectic past month, and I think its finally going to start slowing down before the Summer season hits hard. I'm looking forward to being outside all weekend. Hopefully we will get around to doing some hard work (even though I'm nervous it might snow one last time).

I also just had 4.5 inches cut off of my hair last night! Big change for me :)
I do really like it, and it has been quite awhile since I've had it this short (at my shoulders, still able to pull it back), but it feels nice to have clean ends and more movement.
I wish I had a photo to share, but no such luck.

Feb 7, 2012

Knock, Knock...

Who's there?
Orange Who?
Orange you glad that I have more invitations to show you!?

Here are a few of my latest designs that I have been working on! I'm pretty excited about most of them, and I do realize the text is identical, but I hope you can get past that. One of these days my business partner and I will have our website up and running and you will be able to see all of our lovely creations there. We have a few more tweaks and edits to take care of first.

The past few weeks have been a bit crazy and luckily it's mostly design related! I love being design-busy. It means a few things; my creative outlets are flowing, there is more to add to my portfolio, and I'm likely getting paid. All of those things are pretty great. I really do enjoy designing because I get to work with different people, and it's rarely the exact same thing that one person to the next is looking for. The lack of monotony is awesome.

Check 'em out!

Orange you glad you did?

Feb 2, 2012

Superbowl Weekend...

I wish I could say that I'm a football fan, but unfortunately that would be a lie. It is just one of those games that I have not grown to love...yet! My boyfriend is a huge Vikings fan and watches football whenever possible (or any sport for that matter). He would LOVE if I would watch a game/any game with him. Lucky for him, this Minnesota girl enjoys going to hockey games. This past football season I have watched more games or quarters of games than I have in the past 5 years, so I am trying!
We are hosting a small Super bowl get together on Sunday and I have compiled a list of tasty treats to serve; if I'm not going to watch the game, I may as well have something that I enjoy eating :)
We are having pulled pork sandwiches, sushi, chips/salsa/guac, veggies, and this dreamy looking layered oreo dessert. I would like to whip up the dessert tonight and eat the entire thing, but I'm holding off and plan on making it Sunday so I can't be tempted to lick the bowl clean. I do have some decency when other people are around...

Jan 16, 2012

I love Coffee Mugs!

It may be one of those random things that I like to "collect" but I do actually use them! I love the assortment of coffee mugs from shape to the color scheme and design. Needless to say, our "mug" shelf has surpassed it's limits for mug space. However, thanks to Shutterfly I can create my own face mugs! and I received a $20 voucher that would be a waste if I didn't spend it.
Here are my new creations!
(I'm thinking of using this as a Valentine's Day present for the Man)

I already have a "face" mug for me, but felt that Ian should have one too-and these are a perfect pair!

Jan 11, 2012

Spring Fever

Our Minnesota winter has been nothing of the sort this year. Luckily we have been blessed with mid 30s to mid 50s for month of December/January. It's really unbelievable, but I'm loving it! And in spring fever tradition, I have been inspired with a few wedding invitation designs. I have a few weddings on the books already and should have plenty of great things to showcase in the next couple of months.
Here's a Sneak Peak at my first attempts at Spring Fever designs...

Jan 5, 2012

Happy 2012

It's refreshing to pick a day to start fresh and try to make personal changes! Personally, I don't usually make New Years' Resolutions; I'm a fan of being able to make changes throughout the year when I'm inspired rather than just one the first of every year! However, I am on board with my boyfriends 30 day challenge which was supposed to start on Jan 1 (but I started it a week early). We are doing 30 days of salads and no drinking! Sounds fun?! It's really not that crazy...we are eating salads (an assortment of varieties) for dinner only, 5 nights out of the week. We can choose whatever we want for breakfasts and lunches. I'm fairly healthy on my breakfasts and lunches anyway, but dinner is my indulgence. Our start date was technically Dec. 26th. And so far so good. The no-drinking clause actually started on Jan 1. Honestly, I don't really drink all that much, but it will probably be the occasional glass of wine or beer on Friday night that I'll miss for the month.
What's your resolution for 2012?

On a work-related note, I have 4 official weddings on the books for stationary this summer/fall! I need to kick my butt in gear and get started on the designs! :) I love wedding invitations because each person/couple is different and it makes it challenging and fun for me.
Watch for upcoming designs & 2012 trends!

*Here's a peak at my friend's programs from October 2011-Thanks to Sarah Schultz Photography