Jan 5, 2012

Happy 2012

It's refreshing to pick a day to start fresh and try to make personal changes! Personally, I don't usually make New Years' Resolutions; I'm a fan of being able to make changes throughout the year when I'm inspired rather than just one the first of every year! However, I am on board with my boyfriends 30 day challenge which was supposed to start on Jan 1 (but I started it a week early). We are doing 30 days of salads and no drinking! Sounds fun?! It's really not that crazy...we are eating salads (an assortment of varieties) for dinner only, 5 nights out of the week. We can choose whatever we want for breakfasts and lunches. I'm fairly healthy on my breakfasts and lunches anyway, but dinner is my indulgence. Our start date was technically Dec. 26th. And so far so good. The no-drinking clause actually started on Jan 1. Honestly, I don't really drink all that much, but it will probably be the occasional glass of wine or beer on Friday night that I'll miss for the month.
What's your resolution for 2012?

On a work-related note, I have 4 official weddings on the books for stationary this summer/fall! I need to kick my butt in gear and get started on the designs! :) I love wedding invitations because each person/couple is different and it makes it challenging and fun for me.
Watch for upcoming designs & 2012 trends!

*Here's a peak at my friend's programs from October 2011-Thanks to Sarah Schultz Photography

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