Mar 30, 2012


I work for a company where I am one of the few females in the office, and unfortunately the men in the office seem to take advantage of that. I'm not sure if all of them were raised to completely rely on women to do everything for them, but that is how it feels! I mean, honestly, you have two hands and two feet, like myself you should be able to print something and pick it up at the printer all by yourself. You should also be able to set your own out of office auto-reply for your phone and email (especially since I've written directions down several times for you), and figure out how to make an excel spreadsheet. For goodness sakes, you work in an office; the Microsoft Suite should be a staple in your work skills. Also, please learn to type with both hands as I was taught in school. You finger-typers are loud and inefficient (although I have seen some pretty quick one-fingered typers). Another thought: I am not your secretary, please do not treat me like one. If I was your secretary I would gladly offer to make you copies and send emails for you. Unfortunately for you, I have my own emails and copies to make! We all know how to properly answer the phone, so if it is ringing you can feel free to answer it. I know that I do an amazing job at covering the receptionist duties when she is away to the bathroom or out of the office, but again I am not the receptionist-you are welcome to help out.

Alright, I already feel better. Thank goodness.
I should write a book about the lack of etiquette in my office.
How often do you hear coworkers burp and fart outloud? On a daily basis, I'd say I hear at least 4 loud burps a day and about 2 toots (that can be heard from two offices away. I will mention that most of this is a difference in cultures, where I am used to people at least covering their mouths and saying "excuse me", whereas they are used to these outbursts as letting others know that their meals were tasty and enjoyable.

I'll end on a good note...It's Friday, which means I am almost free for the weekend, and it's supposed to be a glorious 70 degrees and sunny! I'm looking forward to yard work (yes, I know it sounds unrealistic), being outside, and hopefully finishing the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series (yes, I hopped on that bandwagon).

This is my dog, Bella; she really knows how to enjoy the little things!

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