Mar 16, 2012

Spring Fever

It feels like spring in Minnesota :)
It's only the middle of March and we have already had days in the 70s! I can definitely get used to that. I love this kind of weather-I could handle maybe low 80s and that would be perfect.
Anyway, so I have been able to get outside for runs/walks/dog play time, etc...

It has been a hectic past month, and I think its finally going to start slowing down before the Summer season hits hard. I'm looking forward to being outside all weekend. Hopefully we will get around to doing some hard work (even though I'm nervous it might snow one last time).

I also just had 4.5 inches cut off of my hair last night! Big change for me :)
I do really like it, and it has been quite awhile since I've had it this short (at my shoulders, still able to pull it back), but it feels nice to have clean ends and more movement.
I wish I had a photo to share, but no such luck.

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