Oct 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I keep forgetting that it's Halloween today, and I'm bummed that I won't be home tonight to pass out candy for all the kiddos in the neighborhood (I think we only had about 10 kids last year).

This past weekend was very much wedding-filled! My friend's wedding has been in the works since January 2011 and it finally happened; she's married! I have a few photos that I snagged from the photographers facebook page...I cannot wait until I get to see all the photos! Sarah Schultz Photography was who took the photos, and this was not the first wedding I've been in that used this photographer. Her and her husband do an amazing job!
As the Maid of Honor this past weekend, I was a bit nervous about my speech portion of the evening...and I think it went quite well! Thankfully I had done a few mock-speeches in my head and out loud (to myself) while driving, and that seemed to at least help the thought process and organization of what I ended up saying the night of the reception. I also did all the printed materials for the wedding: Invitations, Place cards, Table #'s, Seating chart, Ceremony Programs, etc...hopefully I'll have a photo to showcase all of my hard work.
 (A couple of the bridesmaids: Me-Rachel, Brianna, and Abby)

Oct 20, 2011

Fall sweater weather :)

A couple of weeks ago, while it was still 80 degrees outside, I decided that I should hop on the soon-to-be fall weather bandwagon and purchase my first 2011 fall sweater. I am not usually a sweater type of person because they make me feel bulky (I already have broad shoulders), and instead of them being soft like everyone says they are, I feel itchy and overly warm. Anyway, I bought a sweater from Target and I am in Love! I am contemplating going back and buying it in a few different colors because that's just how much I like it. The current version I have is in the heather gray color which goes well with almost anything. It's comfy & casual but could easily be dressed up...did I mention how soft to the touch it is? Of my 5 senses, touch is probably one of my favorites. (Side note: When I go to any of those large shoe stores (think DSW or Famous Footwear), I will walk down an aisle of shoes and press my pointer finger into the soles of each shoe just to see how cushy it is.)
Lately all I've wanted to do is shop, shop, shop! I want to completely update my wardrobe. Fortunately, I have a sense of reality and I just avoid going into any tempting stores.

Hopefully when Christmas shopping starts, I'll get the "shopping bug" out of my system...until then, I'm just stuck fantasizing about new clothing.

Oct 10, 2011


We had the fortune of meeting and adopting a new puppy this weekend; her name is Roxi and she's a spunky Pitbull/Terrier Mix.  She's adorable and completely compliments our other pup, Bella.
Roxi was originally adopted by a friend who decided that with two children and a full time job, it was just too much work to take care of a pooch too! He brought her over Saturday while I was gone to meet my boyfriend and our dog Bella, and if all went well she'd come back on Sunday to meet me. Things went well on Saturday and she came back Sunday...we are technically doing a 1-week trial, but I'm confident that she will be staying with us permanently.

Aside from a new puppy, I also had a bridal shower and a birthday party to attend this weekend. It was a busy weekend, but lots of fun.

Oct 5, 2011


I just wanted to put a quick note up about the kickball team I am on...we had a losing game last night, but I still had a lot of fun.

Oct 4, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding...

It's officially 25 days until my friend Laura gets married!
Her bridal shower is this coming weekend and I'm ready to just be in full-gear for the wedding weekend at the end of October. I'm the maid of honor, which means I really need to start thinking of a speech. Yikes.
Here's her wedding stationary

On a fall-related note: It's been such perfect weather!
This fall has been amazing; actually the tree leaves haven't even started turning too many colors yet. It has been high 70s for the past several days with only perfect weather in the forecast for the next several more. This is by far my favorite season...when we get Indian Summer type of weather.
I'd really like to have a nice fire outside one of these days; we have a bunch of sticks/bushes that we need to get rid of from our lilac bush. We recently trimmed about 5 feet of our lilac bushes. They had completely overgrown themselves and we can now see into our neighbors front yard. It's kind of weird getting so much more sunlight into our living room, but a nice change!