May 10, 2012

Congratulations to me!

Yes, it's true...I am officially engaged :)
Just under a week ago, my boyfriend popped the question after we had just gotten home from our dinner out to celebrate our 4 year anniversary! He sent me on a scavenger hunt to find my anniversary present only to come up empty handed. I could hear him laughing upstairs while I was rummaging through cabinets in the basement. I yelled upstairs to him "There is nothing in here," and he laughed "Yeah, I know." I was a little bummed, but walked up the stairs to find him on one knee with the ring in his hand. I immediately starting saying "Oh my gosh, This is really happening, Oh my gosh, This is real..." I repeated something along those lines a few times and then started crying. I did say "YES, of course!"

So, what's next? I am not really sure I want to plan a whole wedding yet. Honestly, I was able to wear my ring for one whole day and then had to take it to the jeweler to get resized (it was just a bit too small). Yeah, I shoved that diamond on my finger and wore it! I have been waiting 4 days to get it back! I'm so excited to see it again tonight :) Now that I will have my ring back it will feel more official and I can let the thought of being engaged and planning a wedding sink in.

P.S. He picked out the ring all on his own! and I absolutely LOVE it!

May 3, 2012


Eeeeee! I'm so excited that it's 75-80 degrees outside :)
I love being outside as much as possible, and since I live in Minnesota my outdoor time is more limited. We have a fun weekend ahead; we are celebrating our 4 year anniversary on Friday (tomorrow) with a nice evening out, on Saturday we have a Kentucky Derby party to attend (dress-up style), and then my parents are in town Saturday evening (grilling out), and Sunday will be a nice relax/catch up day. I wish I had a picture to post of my floppy derby hat that I'll be wearing on Saturday, but you will just have to wait until after the occasion once I get around to uploading pictures from the weekend.

Our softball season also started last week; we tied our first game and won our second game. Not a bad start to the season :)

I do have some new designs to upload, but have been a bit lazy on getting them organized into a nice format for your viewing pleasure.
Happy Kentucky Derby & Cinco de Mayo!