Dec 20, 2011

Tis the Season...

Happy Holidays!
I have officially celebrated one Christmas this past weekend; we went and visited my parents and my mom's side of the family in Winona. It was great to see everyone, especially because we missed out on the Andraschko (my mom's side) Christmas last year!
We are heading to Devil's Lake, ND to visit my boyfriend's family Friday-Sunday, and then heading back to Minneapolis to celebrate with his mom's side of the family.
Luckily we both have Monday off, so we will be able to relax and recoup before heading back to the office...AND it's another 4-day week, which really isn't too bad.

I also went to my very first Vikings game at the beginning of this month and had a blast (see photo below)!

Dec 2, 2011

Party Season!

It seems that as we reach each season, I tell myself that I just need to make it to the next one so the days will slow down a bit...the days don't slow down. At least I'm constantly filled with fun weekends, family & friends.

We are lucky to have a group of friends in town from Colorado and there are tons of festivities going on because of their visit. We also have had some house-guests for the majority of the past week, which has been a lot of fun. Luckily they are pretty low key on the weekdays so I didn't feel too bad going to bed around my normal 10pm time. Tonight we kick off the weekend!
We are celebrating 2 birthdays-both celebrating 30 years! Our evening will kick off at Psycho Suzie's in NE Minneapolis...which is right in our backyard :) and then we will bop around the NE neighborhood for quite some time. Tomorrow I am looking forward to my work holiday party, which I planned/organized/etc...from start to finish, and then Sunday will be my first Vikings game! Coincidentally it is against the Broncos!

Other news: I just was asked to be a bridesmaid in my friend Jenni's wedding in September! I'm very much looking forward to a trip out to DC. It has been a couple of years and I always have a great time visiting.

I've also been working on holiday cards, wedding invitations for 2012 Summer, and a few random projects which has kept me busy but keeps me motivated.

Because I'm currently hungry, here's my first-ever Apple pie (for Thanksgiving)!